IUI stands for Intrauterine Insemination also called Artificial Insemination and it is a kind of treatment/procedure used in order to place sperms into a woman’s womb so that her eggs would get ovulating. This bypasses the cervix and sperms are deposited as much as it is possible to close the tubal opening. And IUI Treatment Centre makes it possible so that the journey could be shortened as much as it is possible in order to meet the egg in the Fallopian tube. Talking about the chance of getting pregnant naturally is one cycle is 8-1%. But following the IUI treatment, it becomes to increase the chance by 20-28% per cycle.
IUI Treatment in Mumbai is a considered one of the best treatments to have for the couples who are not able to get pregnant because of some particular reasons. There are so many myths and misconception regarding IUI treatment. And the best thing is that you should consult with the doctors in this context so that you will have the best guide.
GovindaIVF is the best one to choose. Moreover, this is either done following natural cycles or cycles where ovulation drugs are given to the woman. And serial ultrasound are conducted in order to keep a close eye over the growth of eggs. It helps in order to get to know about the growth of eggs. IUI is times accordingly the time of ovulation and this is almost 36 hours after the ovulation trigger injection.
If you are suffering any of these above-mentioned issues, then you may go ahead with the option of IUI Hospital in Mumbai. GovindaIVF is the right one to choose without any doubt. You may also check the official site in order to get more and more information.
Lux Hospital & Govinda IVF ICSI Centre
Vishal Tower, 301/401
Corner of Hinghwala Lane,
R.B Mehta Road, 60(ft)
Ghatkopar East (Mumbai)
Maharashtra - 400077
+91- 81691 02521, +91-8291029810